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Hurdle Cleared in Fight to Declare Chimps “Legal Persons”

Natalie Prosin ’11, the executive director of the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP), was quoted in an April 21st New York Times article that covers the latest in NhRP’s battle to grant “legal personhood” to chimps. NhRP is a coalition of lawyers and scientists working to obtain legal rights for nonhuman animals. Prosin, who founded BC Law’s Student Animal Legal […]


Natalie Prosin ’11, the executive director of the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP), was quoted in an April 21st New York Times article that covers the latest in NhRP’s battle to grant “legal personhood” to chimps. NhRP is a coalition of lawyers and scientists working to obtain legal rights for nonhuman animals.

Prosin, who founded BC Law’s Student Animal Legal Defense Fund chapter and spearheaded a drive to ban greyhound racing by citizen vote and a successful cage-free egg campaign for BC food services, has been quoted extensively in various media outlets as the legal case has advanced (the image above is from a 2014 NY Times Magazine story). “Human rights belong to human beings,” Prosin said in a recent interview. “We are trying to create chimpanzee rights for chimpanzees. And that begins with the fundamental legal right to bodily liberty.”

From the New York Times: Judge Orders Stony Brook University to Defend Its Custody of 2 Chimps