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Reunion 2017: The Slideshow

Warm embraces, laughter, and conversation among old friends made for an animated celebration.

November 4, 2017 -- Boston College Law School Reunion Weekend at the Fairmont Coplely Hotel, Boston, MA. Class of 1987. Photo by Caitlin Cunningham (  Photographs by Caitlin Cunningham

Reunion 2017 on Nov. 3-4 brought together classes ending in 2 and 7, who enjoyed panels and parties on campus and at the Fairmont Copley Hotel in Boston. More than 500 people attended the festivities, which included private tours of BC’s McMullen Museum of Art and an Alumni Assembly panel discussion with Vera Sung ’90 an Chanterelle Sung ’04, whose family’s bank was featured in the award-winning PBS documentary Abacus: Small Enough to Jail. On Saturday, WBUR host Robin Young moderated a discussion among Congressman Michael Capuano ’77 and professors George Brown and Renee Jones on issues facing Congress, the courts, and business since the 2016 election. Class dinners under the hotel’s glittering chandeliers lasted well into the night.

See more here.