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Alumni News

Reunion Weekend 2015

Reunion was a memorable success.


Some 570 guests took part in activities as members of the classes ending in 0 or 5 traveled between campus and downtown Boston November 5-7 for bar reviews, panel discussions, cocktail receptions, campus tours, and dinners.

New this year was a Congressional Reception held on Thursday evening and hosted by Morgan Lewis. Special guests were Senator Edward Markey ’72 and Representatives Michael Capuano ’77, Jared Huffman ’90, and Stephen Lynch ’91.

Saturday highlights included panels on the death penalty, shareholder value, family and the workplace, and confronting inequality, the last sponsored by the Black Alumni Network (BAN). Dean’s Council donors were honored at a cocktail reception at the Ritz-Carlton, where BAN’s annual meeting and the class reunion dinners were also held. (See page 48 for more on the Alumni Assembly and Board Meeting.)

In addition to the huge attendance numbers, reunion giving totaled more than $1.2 million. Leading all classes in cash contributions was the Class of 1975 with $322,947. The Honor Roll of reunion donors will be published in the Summer 2016 issue of BC Law Magazine.

To see more Reunion 2015 photos, go to