2017 Reunion & Alumni Weekend
November 3 & 4
Fairmont Copley Plaza
Boston College Law Campus
For alumni who graduated in classes with years ending in 2 or 7, join us for this weekend-long celebration of social, academic, and networking events.
To join your Reunion Class Committee or learn more, visit www.bc.edu/lawreunion or contact BC Law’s Alumni Association at 617-552-4378 or bclaw.alumni@bc.edu.
2017 Boston Holiday Reception
December 7
Boston College Club
6:00–8:00 p.m.
Celebrate the holiday season with alumni and faculty.
To view alumni events around the country, visit bc.edu/lawalumni.
2018 Law Day
May 2
Reception, Dinner & Awards Ceremony
Ritz-Carlton Boston
5:30 p.m.: Reception
7 p.m.: Awards Ceremony
Honor outstanding individuals for their courage and commitment to the ideals of BC Law School. Proceeds go to the Law School Fund for student scholarships.
To view awards and make a nomination, visit bc.edu/lawday.