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Faculty Scholarship

Faculty Milestones

Press-tige: Ray Madoff and James Repetti published influential op-eds on the new tax law in the New York Timesand The Hill, respectively. Madoff explained how Trump’s law favors people like himself, and Repetti argued that the law incentivizes factories to leave the US. The professors also have other accomplishments. Madoff is among the NonProfit Times’s Power […]


Press-tigeRay Madoff and James Repetti published influential op-eds on the new tax law in the New York Timesand The Hill, respectively. Madoff explained how Trump’s law favors people like himself, and Repetti argued that the law incentivizes factories to leave the US. The professors also have other accomplishments. Madoff is among the NonProfit Times’s Power & Influence Top 50 for the second year in a row, and Repetti has co-authored (with William H. Lyons and Charlene D. Luke) the 6th edition of Partnership Income Taxation.

Supreme Honor: Daniel Coquillette, J. Monan, SJ, University Professor, was feted at the US Supreme Court by justices, family, and colleagues for his thirty-four years as Reporter to the Standing Committee on Rules in the Judicial Conference. His new title is Senior Advisor to the committee.

Are We Complicit? Cathleen Kaveny held the Cary and Ann Maguire Chair in Ethics and American History at the Library of Congress last fall while researching a book about people’s complicity with others’ wrongdoing. “It is, in my view, the quintessential problem of our globalized, pluralistic era,” she says.

Honest Law: Michael Cassidy’s scholarship was featured in a major SJC ruling in the Amherst, Massachusetts, Drug Lab case, leading to thousands of vacated convictions. His writing on prosecutors’ undue influence in parole proceedings is also drawing notice, having been featured in a post and in The Crime Report.

Speculative Financiers: Frank Garcia and his students are influencing the global conversation about the dangers of third-party funding in international investment arbitration. Their efforts have helpedgarner the attention of the UN Commission on International Trade Law and, recently, of reporter Tom Hals at Reuters, who wrote on the topic in December. Garcia says: “TPF funders are attracted to the investment arbitration system for all the wrong reasons.”

Past Perfect: Mary Bilder delivered three talks last fall as the 2018 Mount Vernon Distinguished Visiting Lecturer of American History.