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Around the Academy

George Yin: The Edwin S. Cohen Distinguished Professor of Law and Taxation Emeritus at the University of Virginia presented “Who Speaks for Tax Equity and Tax Fairness?: Stanley Surrey and the Tax Legislative Process” at BC Law’s Tax Policy Workshop in March. Active since 2007 and supported by the Paulus Endowment for Tax Programs, the workshop […]


George Yin: The Edwin S. Cohen Distinguished Professor of Law and Taxation Emeritus at the University of Virginia presented “Who Speaks for Tax Equity and Tax Fairness?: Stanley Surrey and the Tax Legislative Process” at BC Law’s Tax Policy Workshop in March. Active since 2007 and supported by the Paulus Endowment for Tax Programs, the workshop reviews academic papers and works-in-progress to help scholars focus their ideas.


Clark Neily: At the invitation of BC Law’s Federalist Society, the Cato Institute’s vice president for criminal justice spoke to students last semester about prosecutorial immunity. He discussed why it exists and how it can be abused. As he has suggested elsewhere, reform is possible if the Supreme Court reverses itself, Congress amends Section 1983 to hold prosecutors accountable, and states pass laws allowing prosecutors to be sued.


Irit Tamir ’91: The director of Oxfam America’s Private Sector Department and a BC Law adjunct professor, is intent upon one goal: “Everything we do is focused on reducing poverty and helping people realize their human rights,” she commented at a BC Law event in January. “Poverty is a result of injustice in the system, so we focus on shifting power so more people have access to the food, land, and credit they need.”Paulus Endowment for Tax Programs, the workshop reviews academic papers and works-in-progress to help scholars focus their ideas.


Hon. Eugene R. Wedoff: The retired judge of the US Bankruptcy Court of the Northern District of Illinois was among the august practitioners and judges assembled at BC Law in March for the American College of Bankruptcy’s annual symposium. The theme was “Litigation in Bankruptcy: How to Avoid It If You Can and Win It If You Can’t.” Discussion included how judges view litigation strategies used in Chapter 11 cases.


Thomas Jorling ’66: The environmental statesman was on campus to receive an award from the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF). He also gave a talk on the creation of the Clean Air Act of 1970 the Clean Water Act of 1972, both of which he helped make possible as minority counsel for the Senate Committee on Public Works. He once served as vice president of  environmental affairs for International Paper Corporation.