Lauren Stiller Rikleen, attorney, author, and founder and president of the Rikleen Institute for Strategic Leadership, and Sander A. Rikleen, a partner in Sherin and Lodgen LLP’s Litigation Department, share some lessons learned and wisdom gained from their days at Boston College Law School.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Sander A. Rikleen: A lawyer.
Lauren Stiller Rikleen: Ditto.
What’s your favorite television or movie crime drama?
SAR: NCIS. Also, we both love My Cousin Vinny.
What advice would you give your 1L self?
SAR: Get to know your professors better. They can help you in ways you do not appreciate until later.
LSR: I would urge 1Ls to stay in touch with their classmates. It is hard to appreciate amid the first-year pressures the personal and professional value of staying in touch with the amazing people who attend this law school.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
LSR: One day, Hon. Hiller Zobel cancelled class without notice. He explained that his son was sick, and his wife, a law firm partner, had a client flying in from the West Coast. He stayed home as the parent with greater flexibility that day. By sharing, Professor Zobel modeled how busy professionals can parent and share responsibilities for addressing work-family challenges.
If you could add one hour to every day, how would you spend it?
LSR: Writing.
What led you to make a bequest to BC Law?
SAR: I had difficulty affording law school. I am grateful for the opportunities my BC Law degree has provided and hope to make the cost of law school less of a challenge for future students.
LSR: We also appreciated the supportive environment that BC Law provided, and continues to provide, to its student body. It is a special place that needs full alumni support.
Lauren Stiller and Sandy Rikleen have chosen to mark the milestone of their reunion by adding BC Law to their estate plans. They have shared their decision to include a provision for BC Law in their will, which allows us to celebrate their generosity today and recognize their marvelous gift during their lifetime through membership in the Shaw Society.

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