The Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy continued its strong march through the thicket of policymaking this past fall, drawing hundreds to panels that dealt with race and policy, the disparate impacts of urban planning, and parity in the pot industry.
Photograph above: “Pot and Parity” panelists, left to right, James Eldridge, Kobie Evans, and Shaleen Title.
The center also introduced a senior fellows program that brought three thought leaders to campus for one-week lecture and teaching residencies: New York City Human Rights Commission deputy commissioner Brittny Saunders; Fordham Law School associate professor and former candidate for New York attorney general and governor Zephyr Teachout; and Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation professor Lance Freeman.

For the spring term, the Rappaport Center has returned to its semester-long visitor program, tapping former Massachusetts governor Jane Swift as the Jerome Lyle Rappaport Visiting Professor. She presented a community address in January on the impact of new media on women in political leadership and is teaching a seminar entitled “Governing in the Facebook Era: Privacy, Propaganda, and Public Good.”