“I think its important to remember how we got here and why we are here. It is important for us to understand where the violence, where the rage is coming from. It is the result of generations of a knee on the neck.…That knee really is symbolic for so many of us in the black community and so many of us who have been in the civil rights movement for decades in that we’ve been fighting against knees on the neck in our education system, in our public health system, in our criminal justice system, in our economic system for so very long.”
—Tanisha Sullivan ’02, president of the NAACP Boston branch, speaking June 1 to WBZ-TV on the national response to the police killing of George Floyd
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“I think its important to remember how we got here and why we are here. It is important for us to understand where the violence, where the rage is coming from. It is the result of generations of a knee on the neck.…That knee really is symbolic for so many of us in the black […]