Diana Levine, Photographer
Diana Levine is an advertising and editorial photographer based in Boston, previously in New York City. Her clients include Rolling Stone, Billboard, MTV, and record labels. She has photographed notables such as Presidents Obama and Clinton, Alicia Keys, Kim Kardashian, and John Legend. About photographing Chinyere Okogere for the cover of this issue, she says: “I loved getting to know Chinyere—such an accomplished woman. We transported my studio outdoors into the fresh air and had a blast.”

Elaine Lee ’22, Writer
Lee is a rising 3L at BC Law. As co-director of LAHANAS, she engages in active conversations surrounding how to better bring equity and inclusion to the school’s diverse student bodies. Although from California, Lee has found her new place in the tight-knit community of BC Law. In this issue she interviews friend Chinyere Okogeri ’21. “Chinyere’s journey shows that mentorship and service to our community are lifelong commitments,” Lee says. “Her dedication to the school has had a visible impact.”

Frank Stockton, Illustrator
Born in Southern California, Stockton was reared on a diet of Jackie Chan movies, superheroes, Star Wars, Ralph Bakshi films, underground comix, and Italian Renaissance painting. His work has been featured in American Illustration, Juxtapoz, and Heavy Metal magazines. The fun part of making the illustration, he says, was finding ways to imply evil intentions through subtle costume details. His favorite? The impossibly white gloves because they mask the blood on the hands of the Nazis.

Jane Whitehead, Writer
British-born and Oxford-educated, freelancer Whitehead is based in Boston and New York. Her features, essays, and profiles have appeared in many local newspapers and alumni publications. Of her profiles in this issue of four departing faculty, she says: “In trying to encapsulate these brilliant and varied careers, one thing stood out. Beyond their academic accomplishments and national prominence, these people are all valued most highly for their sterling human qualities: humility, integrity, wit, grit, and empathy.”