The sun-splashed Stuart Lawn was the setting of BC Law’s Welcome Back Reception on August 31, where new students enjoyed a meet-and-greet with 2Ls and 3Ls, faculty, and staff. The Class of 2026 and the LLM Class of 2024 were welcomed with open arms.
The community-wide event marked the arrival of the most academically accomplished JD class in the history of the school—with a median LSAT score of 167 and GPA of 3.77. It is also one of the most diverse at 35 percent, with 32 percent of the class identifying as first-generation, including 12 percent who were the first in their family to obtain an undergraduate degree.
The students hail from 29 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Others, including the LLM Class of 2024, join the BC Law community from around the world, representing some twenty countries. The number of multilingual students is impressively high.
The reception marked the conclusion of a three-day orientation and welcome BBQ for the newcomers (see more about the new class and those activities here), and the end of the first week of classes for the entire student community.