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BC Law Magazine artists and writers.

Jeri Zeder

Writer “A perk of writing for BC Law Magazine,” says Zeder, JD, “is that I’m constantly learning new things.” She first heard the phrase “lifting as we climb” while reporting on BC Law’s Black history and learned that it was apparently from an address by Mary Church Terrell to the National American Women Suffrage Association in 1898. In addition to past articles on members of Boston’s and BC Law’s Black community, she recently wrote about the new Black Heritage Trail of Colonial Lexington, Massachusetts, for her hometown’s online newspaper.

Beatriz Ortiz

Illustrator Graphic designer Ortiz has contributed her talents to many brands, including the Brazilian Football Confederation, Amazon Prime Video, Lacta Chocolates, Vasco Football Club, and Zend Coffee. She found creating this issue’s Black history cover illustration “especially meaningful because of the important theme of inclusion and the evolution of the Black community at BC Law,” she says. She also loved the challenge of working with the images of twenty-three graduates and representing each of their personalities as a single composition.

Jan Robert Dünnweller

Illustrator Born in Germany, Dünnweller, graduated with an MFA from the Bauhaus University in Weimar in 2013 after studies in Industrial Design, Graphic Arts, and Visual Communication. Since then, he has freelanced for a variety of editorial, cultural, and commercial clients, including The New YorkerThe New York TimesThe Atlantic, Die Zeit, the Bavarian State Opera, and Apple. In this issue, he adds an illustrated portrait of Judge Harold A. Stevens ’36 to his gallery of eminent people, among them Queen Elizabeth and Nina Simone.

Caroline Reilly ’19

Writer Reilly is a writer in New England. Her work has appeared in the The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, GQ, Town & Country, and more. As a student, she did a Semester-in-Practice at the ACLU of Massachusetts, where she saw firsthand the importance of public service lawyering, the topic of her article in this issue. When she’s not writing, she can be found parenting her Italian greyhound and reading Scandinavian noir. She is represented by Sarah Phair at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, who can be reached for any literary inquiries.

Photo credits—Dunnweller: Ingo Schiller; Reilly: Webb Chappell