Online Exclusives

Online Exclusives
Together in a Time of Crisis: A Letter from the Dean

Online Exclusives
Helping Families and Kids Cope with Covid-19
Healthcare professionals share wisdom, offer advice at Rappaport Center event.

Online Exclusives
Class of 2020 Awards Announced

Online Exclusives
New Grads Win Coveted Public Interest Awards
Three fellowships and a Drinan Award support public service careers.

Online Exclusives
Remembering Michael Mitsukawa
The 35-year member of the Law Library staff was a giver of time and kindness.

Online Exclusives
BC’s Law Degree Ranks 17th in US
GradReports ranks by-major student earnings data from 100,000 degree programs.

Online Exclusives
IP and Technology Forum Steps Up Its Game
The student group and journal known as the IPTF hums with new energy.

Online Exclusives
Amelia Wirts ’17 Achieves a First
Dual degree offerings expand with the addition of law student's JD/Philosophy PhD.

Online Exclusives
Law Student Wins $40,000 Diversity Scholarship
Ismail Ercan ’22 among seven Morgan Lewis 2020 award recipients nationwide.