Brett Walker, a Suffolk County (MA) assistant district attorney working at the Central Division of the Boston Municipal Court, also serves as state liaison to the new Boston Veterans Treatment Court. Role: Assisted in setting up the veterans court, a specialized court session established to handle the cases of veterans with service-related disorders. He continues to serve as the DA’s Office liaison to the court. Special Court Model: Drawing on unique aspects of military and veteran culture, the court re-creates the structure and camaraderie of a military unit—the judge is the commanding officer, the prosecutor is platoon sergeant, probation and service providers are squad leaders, and the veteran defendants are the troops—with the rehabilitation of traumatized veterans as the goal. Still Waters: “We are BC deep,” he says of the veterans court. Others: Hon. Eleanor C. Sinnott ’89 is presiding justice; Chris Phillips ’87 is assigned clerk; Suffolk County Assistant District Attorney Susan Terrey, BC undergrad, is court supervisor. Background: US Military Academy graduate; US Army infantry officer, served in Afghanistan, Iraq, and South America; International Affairs officer for Massachusetts National Guard.
Brett D. Walker
Brett Walker, a Suffolk County (MA) assistant district attorney working at the Central Division of the Boston Municipal Court, also serves as state liaison to the new Boston Veterans Treatment Court.