As a Fulbright Specialist: Will participate in the US-China international educational exchange program to increase mutual understanding of bankruptcy law. Best Ever: He calls professors Dan Coquillette and Cynthia Lichtenstein two of the finest he ever had. Coquillette for instilling the imperative that to be an excellent lawyer, it is not enough to do well; lawyers must also do good. Lichtenstein for focusing on practicality in commercial transactions and advising clients to work out problems rather than to terminate the relationship or sue. Helping Others: Member of Lambda Legal, a nonprofit committed to achieving full recognition of civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and everyone living with HIV.
Christopher Andrew Jarvinen
Christopher Andrew Jarvinen was named a senior Fulbright Specialist by the USDepartment of State. In that role, he will be in residence during Spring 2019 at the Bankruptcy Law and Restructuring Research Center of the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. A corporate restructuring partner with Berger Singerman LLP in Miami, Jarvinen is also an elected fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy, the American Law Institute, and the International Insolvency Institute.