Valor Rewarded: Recently receiving the long overdue Congressional Gold Medal, he said, “I am honored, but my contribution was minimal compared to those in the OSS who parachuted in behind enemy lines in Europe in WWII. They are the ones who made the supreme sacrifice.” Assignment: Stationed in Kunming, China, in 1943, he worked decoding, and transmitting messages. Dossier: A longtime employee of the FBI and Labor Department, he retired in 1980. Oh So Secret: Enjoys living a life under the radar: “I want to live under a cloud of anonymity.”
Edward F. Daly
Edward F. Daly was presented with the Congressional Gold Medal on the day before his ninety-eighth birthday by US Representative Jim McGovern for his service in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II. He is one of the few surviving veterans of the OSS, the predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency and the US Special Operations Command.