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Ingrid C. Schroffner

Ingrid C. Schroffner, assistant general counsel in the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), is the author of “Continuing the Journey of Seeking to Ensure Inclusivity” in the Summer 2016 issue of Dimensions, a Massachusetts EOHHS newsletter; is a faculty member of the Massachusetts EOHSS 2015–2016 Mentoring, Aspiring Supervisors, Succession Planning program; […]


Ingrid C. Schroffner, assistant general counsel in the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), is the author of “Continuing the Journey of Seeking to Ensure Inclusivity” in the Summer 2016 issue of Dimensions, a Massachusetts EOHHS newsletter; is a faculty member of the Massachusetts EOHSS 2015–2016 Mentoring, Aspiring Supervisors, Succession Planning program; co-presented “Unintended and Unconscious Bias” to EOHHS trainers and diversity officers of EOHHS agencies in July; and moderated a Boston Bar Association panel, “Cross-Cultural Competency: Stop Bumping into Boundaries and Start Building Bridges,” in October.