Doing the Right Thing: Human rights activist recently featured in book about Mexican poverty. BC Law Class with Most Impact: Legal clinic with Professor Bob Bloom. “He was an inspiring teacher who combined practical hands-on experience with rigorous intellectual underpinnings.” About Her Story, “Alicia from East Timor”: “I feel blessed to know someone who, after losing everything she owned in the world to war, gave away the very last thing she owned, for her community.” Describe Yourself in One Word: “Optimistic.”
Kerry Kennedy
Kerry Kennedy ’87, president of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, was featured in a story “A School for the Village” by Wendy Abrams in the book Unselfish: Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Selfie about her visit to impoverished Nuevo Zaragoza, Mexico, that resulted in a collaborative effort between the RFK Center and Go Campaign (founded by Scott Fifer ’87) to raise support for the village’s rebuilding efforts. The book, compiled by Paul D. Parkinson and published by Unselfish Stories in May, also includes a story by Kennedy entitled “Alicia from East Timor.”