Big Shoes to Fill: Ryan, a partner at Nutter McClennen & Fish, was elected this year to fill the ABA Board of Governors’ position left vacant by the late Kevin Curtin ’88. Logical Step: Ryan has held many leadership roles in the ABA, including as past co-chair of the Working Group on Unaccompanied Minor Immigrants; leader of an initiative to provide more pro bono assistance to children in the immigration system without lawyers; and past chair of a standing committee on legal services delivery. A Good Fit: “My work with the ABA access to justice initiatives has been deeply satisfying and I have learned so much that has been invaluable to similar work in Massachusetts.”
Mary K. Ryan
Mary K. Ryan, who has a long history with the American Bar Association, was elected to its board of governors and is a member of its Profession, Public Service, and Diversity Committee. Ryan is partner in the Litigation Department at Boston-based Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP and a member of the firm’s development, land use, and permitting practice group.