From FDIC to IONA: Acronym to acronym, Ross has moved seamlessly from a career in government to a volunteer role advising an elder services nonprofit. Secret to Aging Well: “Community. While we all want to remain independent as we age, it’s just as important to have a support network to help you manage any challenges down the line. Keeping social connections is critical to your health and wellness.” Taken by Surprise: Having had no Iona to rely on when her own parents passed away, she decided it would be wise to learn more about aging. Advice to Caregivers of Elderly Parents: “Plan ahead, be informed, and have your resources lined up before a crisis hits.”
Rita Wiles Ross
Rita Wiles Ross, a member of the Board of Directors for Iona Senior Services, a local nonprofit in Washington, DC, that serves older adults and family caregivers, was profiled in the Fall 2018 edition of the Iona newsletter for her philanthropy. She is a former counsel with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Risk Management Group in Washington, DC, having completed a thirty-year career as an attorney with the FDIC’s Legal Division that culminated with her retirement in 2013.