Career Trajectory: O’Neal has always had an interest in the legal side of museums, cultural heritage, and repatriation. As a trusts and estates attorney, she sometimes worked with universities or large nonprofits, which exposed her to the idea of estate administration from the nonprofit or institution side. Common Purpose: After a time at the National Geographic Society, she is now pursuing her interests at the Smithsonian Institution, where she enjoys mission-driven work and the esprit de corps that results from working with like-minded collaborators. New Opportunities: She is engaged with a large and complicated volume of gifts because the Smithsonian accepts tangible personal property, meaning O’Neal gets to help colleagues determine where, in the Smithsonian’s network, the gifts should go.
Samantha O’Neal
Samantha L. O’Neal was hired as a planned gift administration specialist at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. She was previously a planned giving and bequest administration specialist at the National Geographic Society.