Online Exclusives
BAN, BLSA Welcome New Students
Newcomers, alumni mingle at event that signifies the togetherness of BC Law's Black communities.
Newcomers, alumni mingle at event that signifies the togetherness of BC Law's Black communities.
Massachusetts Bar Recognizes Professor Thomas Carey ’65 with President’s Award
BC Law and Harvard team up to present first dialogue, on qualified immunity for police.
Scholar tells Federalist Society gathering that legislative changes are unnecessary.
Rappaport Fellow explores why the historically oppressed remain so.
Rappaport Fellow Ajmel Quereshi offers new solutions for bad behaviors.
Panelists see public awareness changing, bringing hope that the ultimate punishment may end.
Former FBI director James Comey urges law students to be guided by their north stars.
Former state rep offers ideas to improve the way things happen at the top.