Online Exclusives Repetti’s Tax Theory Hits the Mark Reviewer praises article as authoritative call for revival of equity norms in taxation. February 8, 2021
Online Exclusives The Top 10 Magazine Stories of 2020 In a year marked by triumphs and upheavals everywhere, the BC Law community held fast to its quest for justice, its belief in the rule ... January 6, 2021
Online Exclusives BC Innocence Program Lands Major Grant BCIP and the Committee for Public Counsel Services (CPCS) Innocence Program received the $354,000 grant from the US Department of Justice. December 23, 2020
Online Exclusives Madoff Does It Again Professor helps assemble coalition of wealthy philanthropists and foundations to incentivize charitable giving. By Austin Chandler December 3, 2020
Online Exclusives New Drinan Scholar Coming to BC Law Nathaniel Romano, SJ joins the Law School to teach Law and Religion and Constitutional Law: Rights and Equality. August 12, 2020
The Vision Project ‘Mother Nature Doesn’t Negotiate’ Words of wisdom from three public health experts. By Jane Whitehead July 31, 2020
The Vision Project How Trade Can Change Our Future Toward an understanding of the difference between consensual economic exchanges and those that are coerced or exploitative. July 31, 2020
The Vision Project The Questions We Must Ask The law can only do so much. The real work is personal. July 30, 2020
The Vision Project The Taxation Corrective Income and wealth inequality threaten our society. July 29, 2020