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Faculty News

Hafiz Granted Tenure

An expert in labor, employment, and antitrust law, she now holds the title of associate professor with tenure.

Photograph by Dana Smith

Hiba Hafiz, a scholarly innovator whose most recent work focuses on using labor antitrust law to rein in monopolies, has been promoted to associate professor with tenure at BC Law.

Widely published in the nation’s top law reviews and a frequent presence in major news outlets and blogs, Hafiz in October was named an expert advisor to the Federal Trade Commission, counseling on a whole-of-government approach to labor antitrust.

In the classroom, she explores labor- and employment-related subjects in addition to administrative law, and this semester is teaching Labor Policy and Geographic Inequality.

Hafiz holds degrees from Wellesley College (BA), Columbia University (MA and JD), and Yale (PhD), and prior to joining BC Law in 2018 was a Harry A. Bigelow Teaching Fellow and lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School.

Read more about her scholarship in BC Law Magazine.