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Alumni News

The Reunion Giving Report 2016

Memories Are Made of This.

November 5, 2016 -- The 2016 Boston College Law School reunion at the Ritz Carlton. Photographed for Boston College by Caitlin Cunningham (  Photographs by Caitlin Cunningham

More than 700 alumni and friends celebrated BC Law Reunion and Alumni Weekend 2016 last November. The weekend provided alumni from across ten classes the chance to reconnect with classmates, professors, and our beloved alma mater.

The weekend kicked off on Friday with events that included a panel hosted by the Rappaport Center for Law and Public Policy entitled “Terrorism: Current Threats and Possible Responses.” The Alumni Assembly followed with keynote speaker Walter Kelly ’68, who shared insights from his experience representing Steven Avery, the subject of the Netflix hit series Making a Murderer. Friday evening concluded with our much-loved Bar Review.


Saturday’s festivities at the Ritz-Carlton started with a thought-provoking alumni panel discussing post-election predictions and the impact on areas such as the economy, immigration, health care, and technology. Later, Dean’s Council members gathered for a special reception with Dean Vincent Rougeau and Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley, who expressed deep gratitude for their support. The evening culminated with spirited class dinners where alumni shared stories with one another about their professional and personal lives.

To mark their reunion milestone, many alumni were inspired to make a gift and encouraged their classmates to do the same. The total amount raised from reunion classes exceeded $5.1 million. Special congratulations to the Class of 1976, which raised the most money through gifts and pledges that totaled $2.4 million.

Planning for Reunion and Alumni Weekend 2017 is well under way for November 3-4, 2017. If your graduation year ends with 2 or 7, mark your calendars. Please also consider serving on your class reunion committee. To join or learn more, please contact Benjamin Ligas at

We hope to see you there.

Edward T. Hanley ’86
Alumni Board Member For Reunion and Classes;
Member, Class of 1986 Reunion Committee

Class of 1966

50th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $17,655

Class Participation: 27%



George B. Leahey


Lawrence A. Maxham


Additional Donors

Ernest L. Anderson

Robert F. Arena

Paul F. Beatty

Michael D. Brockelman

John F. Burke

Crystal C. Campbell

Eugene T. Clifford

Matthew T. Connolly

Orlando F. de Abreu

John B. DeRosa

Robert J. Desiderio

George M. Doherty

Robert C. Engstrom

Brian J. Farrell

Gerald E. Farrell

John G. Gill

Michael L. Goldberg

Raymond Greco

Hugo A. Hilgendorff

John A. Janas

John W. Kaufmann

Thomas M. Marquet

Robert G. Parks

Frederick Pritzker

Joseph F. Ryan

James N. Schmit

Andrew F. Shea

Robert M. Silva

Thomas F. Sullivan



Class of 1971

45th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $1,585,710

Class Participation: 29%



Edward R. Leahy*


David A. T. Donohue


Robert M. Bloom


Allan R. Campbell

John B. Pound


Ellen R. Delany

Robert F. McLaughlin

Susan J. Sandler

Marcia McCabe Wilbur


Christopher F. Connolly

Thomas F. Maffei

Mark Stone


Additional Donors

Thomas J. Barrett

Raymond J. Brassard

George H. Butler

John C. Doherty

Seth H. Emmer

Walter J. Fisher

James W. Flood

Berel R. Gamerman

John J. Gillies

Barry A. Guryan

Charles J. Hely

Peter A. Hoffman

William H. Ise

John B. Johnson

Stuart A. Kaufman

Raymond J. Kelly

David L. Kent

William M. Leonard

Aaron A. Lipsky

Gerald F. Lucey

Joseph R. Membrino

Robert A. O’Neil

Jon S. Oxman

Robert C. Prensner

Robert W. Russell

William T. Sherry

John M. Solovan

Joseph R. Tafelski

Judith Koch Wyman

Thomas M. Zarr



Class of 1976

40th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $2,417,042

Class Participation: 31%



Marianne D. Short


Denis P. Cohen*

Thomas P. Jalkut


Vicki L. Hawkins-Jones

Michael D. Jones


Robert S. Farrington*


Katherine Litman Cohen


Eugene Chow

Robert L. Raskopf

Sander A. Rikleen


Mark D. Wincek

Jerold Lorin Zaro


Kenneth S. Boger

Roger J. Brunelle

Frederick J. Coolbroth

Robert B. Hoffman

Beth A. Kaswan

Ellen C. Kearns

John F. Kerry

Steven Lenkowsky

Deborah M. Lodge

Regina S. Rockefeller

Eliot Zuckerman


Additional Donors

Mark N. Berman

Helen P. Brown

Laurie Burt

Phyllis Cela

Susan E. Champion

Thomas A. Connors

David A. Cooper

Kathy Bourne Cowley

John S. Donahue

Jack A. Donenfeld

Daniel Engelstein

Juliet Ann Eurich

Marc Greenbaum

Mary J. Healey

Richard P. Healey

William D. Kirchick

James J. Klopper

Jill W. Landsberg

Marion K. Littman

Robert P. Lombardi

Peter S. Maher

Daniel P. Matthews

Joyce E. McCourt

Charles M. McCuen

Michael J. McEneaney

Laurie A. McKeown

Judith Mizner

Thomas Hugh Mug

Gilbert J. Nadeau

Robert W. Nolting

Alice C. Oliff

Janet S. Painter

Deborah A. Posin

Edward A. Rainen

Mark W. Robbins

Janet Roberts

Gerald J. Robinson

Stephen B. Rockoff

Douglas R. Ross

Ronna Greff Schneider

Mark Stoler

Patrick A. Tanigawa

Willie C. Thompson

Joseph W. Tierney

Dolph J. Vanderpol

Gerald T. Zerkin



Class of 1981

35th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $332,357

Class Participation: 35%



John A. Tarantino


Harry O’Mealia


John Gilmore Childers

James L. Dahlberg

Deirdre E. Donahue

Clover M. Drinkwater

Jorge L. Hernandez-Torano

Steven H. Wright


David W. Ellis

Linda J. Hoard

George W. Mykulak

Adelbert L. Spitzer

Christopher Weld

Diane Young-Spitzer


Nelson G. Apjohn

Peter A. Del Vecchio

Edward T. Hinchey

Eric L. Stern


Kenneth M. Bello

Janet E. Butler

Robert C. Chamberlain

Christopher J. Donovan

John D. Donovan

John G. Igoe

Francis Matthew Lynch

Barry J. Palmer

Mark C. Perlberg

Debra S. Reiser

Eric L. Wilson


Additional Donors

Ann Marie Augustyn

Michael F. Aylward

Charles S. Belsky

Ralph J. Cafarelli

Christine C. Ciotti

Lawrence J. Cohen

Richard G. Convicer

Donald D. Cooper

Emmanuel E. Crespo

John O. Cunningham

Patricia J. Curtis

Mary K. Denevi

David Taylor Donnelly

Mark W. Dost

Thomas J. Driscoll

Richard J. Gianino

Deborah J. Goddard

Bernard W. Greene

Dale R. Harger

Frank Joseph Harris

George B. Henderson

Philip H. Hilder

Joseph Thomas Hobson

Warren J. Hurwitz

Sandra L. Jesse

David E. Jose

Christopher P. Kauders

Gary E. Kilpatrick

Peter Y. Lee

James Michael Liston

James P. Maxwell

Lisa A. Melnick

Sara Johnson Meyers

Joseph E. Mitchell

Anthony M. Moccia

Juliane Balliro Mondano

Marcia Hennelly Moran

Elizabeth R. Moynihan

Ann L. Palmieri

Mark J. Pandiscio

Elizabeth Chaffee Perkins

Thomas A. Potter

Harriet T. Reynolds

Thomas M. Rickart

Richard D. Rochford

Terry J. Saunders

Robert M. Schlein

Conchita Franco Serri

Peter J. Silberstein

Sherman H. Starr

Barbara D. Sullivan

Anne B. Terhune

Claire-Frances Umanzio

Mary Ellen Walsh-Rogalski

William Walsh-Rogalski

Paul Joseph Ward

Carole M. White

Leonard F. Zandrow

Joan Zorza



Class of 1986

30th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $153,490

Class Participation: 30%



Susan Linehan Beaumont


Edward T. Hanley


Christopher P. Harvey

Susan M. Jeghelian


Michael Frederick Klein

Hugh G. McCrory


Juan Manuel Acosta

Nancy Mammel Davids

Lisabeth Ryan Kundert

James D. Laur


Diane L. Silver

Warren E. Tolman


Additional Donors

Tammy L. Arcuri

Ruth K. Baden

David F. Bauman

Alexander T. Bok

Thomas W. Bridge

Antonio D. Castro

Frank K.N. Chowdry

Scott P. Consoli

Maria Lynn Coyle

Eric D. Daniels

Martha Ann Driscoll

Thomas H. Durkin

Maryam Elahi

Michaela A. Fanning

Francine Ferris Maher

Kristin Dorney Foley

Juan R. Garcia

Suzanne Worrell Gemma

Reginald J. Ghiden

Frederick V. Gilgun

Frederic G. Hammond

Nancy T. Harrington

Annamarie DiBartolo Haught

An-Ping Hsieh

Peter R. Johnson

James Arthur Kobe

Donald Lee Lavi

Robert D. Leikind

Lloyd S. Levenson

David R. Lira

Scott P. Lopez

Wardell Loveland

Emmett Eugene Lyne

Mark J. Mahoney

Matthew Mahoney

William M. Mandell

Mary T. Marshall

William F. Martin

Thomas R. Melville

James V. Menno

Paul Michienzie

Ann L. Milner

Bernard T. Neuner

Katherine A. Pancak

Susan Perdomo Blankenship

Mary A. Rathmann

Richard G. Rathmann

Hank R. Rouda

Kurt N. Schwartz

Brian D. Shonk

Lisa A. Sinclair

Michael P. Sorenson

Howard J. Stanislawski

Mark R. Taylor

Mary Elizabeth Van Dyck

Timothy P. Van Dyck

Kenneth A. Viscarello

Patricia A. Welch

Mark D. Wiseman

Marcia Belmonte Young

Mark E. Young

Anthony R. Zelle



Class of 1991

25th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $349,204

Class Participation: 26%





John E. Henry


David L. Batty

Andrew J. Kelly

Matthew L. McGinnis

Deedra Smith Walkey


Christine A. Leahy

Mark P. McAuliffe

Leslie Y. Moeller

Michael J. Waxman


Maureen E. Curran

Allan M. Green

Margaret J. Hurley

Laura Sheppe Miller

Carolyn P. Stennett

Stephanie Dadaian Thompson

William John Thompson


Karen Ann Bogisch

Krista D’Aloia Busnach

Erin K. Higgins

Douglas B. Rosner

Gina Witalec Verdi


Additional Donors

Denise Ann Ackerman

Marlissa Shea Briggett

Amy Brothers

Michael Kevin Callan

Socheat Chea

Marie Cheung-Truslow

Albert Chin

Maryann Civitello

Mary Clements Pajak

Lisa C. Copenhaver

Kathleen C. Corkins

Rosemary Crowley Hallahan

Paul G. Cushing

Daniel J. Driscoll

Mary Ann Dunham

Karen Ann Ecker

Robert D. Emerson

Janet Elie Faulkner

Charles Fayerweather

Stuart Paul Feldman

Susan Marie Finegan

Melissa Ann Gennari

Joan Rachel Goldfarb

Ronald A. Gonzalez

Miranda Pickells Gooding

Susan Henry

Douglas H. Inouye

Jonathan J. Kane

Arlene L. Kasarjian

Rebecca Anne Kirch

Michael W. Klein

J. Krintzman

Jennifer Locke

Steven S. Locke

Pam Maloney MacKenzie

Sally Malave

Karen G. Malm

Greg S. McLaughlin

Mary Cecelia Mitchell

Pegeen Mulhern

Robert M. O’Connell

Kevin J. O’Leary

Laurie A. Owen

Roland Sanchez-Medina

Janet R. Segal

Catherine Sinnott

Leonard Louis Spada

Kayser Oskar Sume

Irit Nikole Tamir

Michael A. Tesner

Peter L. Tester

Katherine Topulos

Kate Frame Veator

Aaron Charles Von Staats

Willis G. Wang

Terri Leigh Yahia



Class of 1996

20th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $113,973

Class Participation: 23%



Danielle Salvucci Black


Andrew Peter Borggaard

Jennifer M. Borggaard

Michael F. Mahoney

Daniel O’Connor

Richard B. Shane


Thomas R. Burton

Jennifer L. Millones


David S. Bakst

Andre Burrell

Yaron Dori

Alexander Furey

Jennifer Furey

Lisa Allen Rockett


Additional Donors

Raejean M. Battin

Christopher Lee Blake

Melynda Gayle Broomfield

Christine Kelley Bush

Joyce D. Campbell Priveterre

Anna C. Caspersen

Bradford Caswell

Laurie Aurelia Cerveny

Edward Shieh Cheng

Paul T. Citardi

Timothy G. Cross

Albert Andrew Dahlberg

Cece Cassandra Davenport

Kristen Potter Farnham

Brian Scott Fetterolf

Robin M. Fields

Robert Fletcher

Sheila Michele Gates

Jeffrey Charles Goss

Daniel Keith Hampton

James M. Hanley

Tena Z. Herlihy

James P. Hoban

Robert Evan Hochstein

Fiona Trevelyan Hornblower

Mark D. Houle

Elizabeth Dees Janis

John David Kelley

Daniel Dennis Kelly

Susan Sekyung Kim

Samia M. Kirmani

Keith Larney

Emma Renee LeFevre

Thomas Patrick Lynch

Stephanie H. Massey

Kate Moriarty

Beth Margot Nussbaum

Maryann Joan Rabkin

Stephanie Vaughn Rosseau

Kristen Schuler Scammon

Norma J. Scott

Jessica Singal Shapiro

Jill O’Connor Shugrue

Alice B. Taylor

Joshua Milton Wepman

David Francis Whelton

Odette A. Williamson

Elizabeth Lindley Wilson

Class of 2001

15th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $25,420

Class Participation: 19%



Thomas Edward Gaynor


Courtney D. Trombly


Brandon L. Bigelow

Timothy W. Gray


Additional Donors

Tara N. Auciello

Sina Bahadoran

Elaine K. Benfield

Bradley G. Bjelke

Mylene P. Calingo

Elijah E. Cocks

Matthew A. Corcoran

Daniel G. Cromack

Elizabeth Duncan-Gilmour

Colin Christopher Durham

Cara A. Fauci

Frances L. Felice

John Arthur Foust

Samantha Gerlovin

Kevin M. Granahan

Laura S. Greenberg-Chao

Carol E. Head

Joseph C. Holden

Linnea Ovans Holmes

Wesley Charles Holmes

Frances M. Impellizzeri

Sareena Jerath

Erin M. Kelly

Alisha Marie Lee

Jaemin Lee

Christine M. Leonard

Michael T. Marcucci

Jenette V. Mathai

Rosemary E. McCormack

Aislinn S. McGuire

Marguerite Marie Mitchell

Brian W. Monnich

Christopher M. Morrison

Kurt Michael Mullen

Bryan A. Nickels

Donna Jalbert Patalano

Diane N. Rallis

James S. Sanzi

William Sellers

Brian W. Sheppard

Karen Smith Mullen

Amy B. Snyder

Briana E. Thibeau

Jamie E. Thomas

April Lauren Wilmar



Class of 2006

10th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $23,410

Class Participation: 22%



Kelly D. Babson


Anne E. Palmer


Jason G. Mahoney

Matthew L. McGinnis

Daniel V. Ward


Additional Donors

Teresa K. Anderson

Emily M. Armstrong

Erika J. Baillio

Katharine Coughlin Beattie

Jordan I. Brackett

Rebecca K. Brink

Patricia M. Callanan

Kristin Duffy Casavant

Heather L. Castillo

Todd R. Champeau

David J. Cohen

Jaime Koff Cohen

Laurel E. Davis

Sarah J. Davis

Andrew R. Dennington

Gauri M. Dhavan

Emily N. Duquette

Lauren E. Fascett

Sharon S. Fry

Christopher Michael Gosselin

Thomas E. Hand

Jodi K. Hanover

Heather Fowell Harper

Catherine A. Henry

Tracy L. Hresko

Charles M. Katz-Leavy

Jonathan D.H. Lamb

Renee A. Latour

Yu Lu

Amy K. Lyster

Lan L. Marinelli

Anne M. McLaughlin

Stephen T. Melnick

Jennifer R. Mendonca

Anthony F. Montaruli

Ingrid Paige

Greg Pakhladzhyan

Andrea M. Perry

Pamela Schafer Rayne

Dana L. Robinson

Rebecca N. Rogers

Maura D. Sarasin Cronin

William P. Saxe

Kate Dacey Seib

Alison Hickey Silveira

Matthew Stein

Shoshana E. Stern

Jessica N. Stokes

Nisha C. Talwar

Kristie A. Tappan

Victoria E. Thavaseelan

Jason P. Traue

Heidi H. Trimarco

Andrew J. Vasicek

Joseph A. Villani

Benjamin J. Voce-Gardner

Eleanor P. Williams

Martha Wilson-Byrne

Elias J. Wolfberg

Jared M. Wood



Class of 2011

5th Reunion

Class Gift Total: $110,964

Class Participation: 20%





Helen L. Coburn

Seth S. Coburn

Anne R. Gordon

David A. Mawhinney

Siri E. Nilsson


Patrick T. Driscoll

Kelli J. Powell

Maria J. Strickland

Daniel B. Weinger


Additional Donors

Andrew W. Bender

Kate C. Billman-Golemme

Francis J. Bingham

Gregory R. Bradford

April M. Breyer

Jennifer Unter Brown

Aimee Fukuchi Bryant

Kristin M. Cleary

Jessica L. Conklin

Richard Francis Conklin

Michael L. Day

Thomas M. Dolan

Brian T. Drummond

Jennifer M. Duke

Kate P. Foley

Jorge A. Gaitan

Jeffrey B. Glick

Grant W. Godfrey

Benjamin D. Greenberg

Katherine A. Guarino

Robert S. Hatfield

Brian D. Hern

Melanie Riccobene Jarboe

Elizabeth D. Johnston

Elizabeth L. Kinsman

Andrew H. Lynch

Meghan E. McCarthy

Rebecca Melaas

Jonathan A. Menkes

Ryan R. Montgomery

Kathleen Dyer Parker

Elizabeth C. Pendergast

Debra Eichenbaum Perlin

Lucy Qiu

Christopher E. Queenin

Carla A. Reeves

Alexandra W. Reimelt

Laura Prieston Rich

Giselle S. Rivers

Ryan M. Rourke Reed

Matthew W. Ruderman

Alyssa B. Russell

Nathan S. Scherbarth

Andrew D. Soliman

Meghan M. Sullivan

Alana Van Der Mude

Leann Goree Walsh

Megan Ritter Wyman

William A. Wyman

Stephanie T. Yang


*Includes a bequest intention