Common Bond: Democratic members of the Washington State Legistature until Farrell resigned recently to run for mayor of Seattle. Together they comprised one of only four women-led state legislature caucuses in the US. Stat In 2017, 24.9% of the 7,383 state legislators in the United States are women. Why Women Matter: “Whether a jury or legislature, representation that reflects our communities necessarily leads to better outcomes and decisions,” says Kilduff. “Women legislators add a critical perspective when making decisions affecting families, women’s health, and the workplace.” Good Deeds: Farrell helped secure $500 million in education investments for needy children and historic investments in the state’s transportation system.
Christine J. Kilduff ’91 and Jessyn S. Farrell ’03
Christine J. Kilduff (left) and Jessyn S. Farrell have been colleagues as Democratic members of the Washington State Legislature House of Representatives. (Farrell left June 1 to run for mayor of Seattle, WA.) She was a former executive director of Transportation Choices Coalition in Seattle and focused on environmental, transportation, and social justice issues as vice chair of the House Transportation Committee and a member of the House Commerce and Gaming and House Rules committees. Kilduff, a former assistant attorney general and civil prosecutor in the Washington State Office of the Attorney General, is vice chair of the House Judiciary Committee and a member of the House Early Learning and Human Services and House Education committees.