BC Innocence Program

In Court

Online Exclusives
Innocence Program Brief Aids in High Court Win
Postconviction forensic testing ruling helps those trying to prove innocence.

Why the Innocence Program Is So Effective
Article provides comprehensive look at how a BC Law clinic became an exoneration powerhouse.

Online Exclusives
BC Innocence Program Secures Release of Third Client in 2020

Online Exclusives
BC Innocence Client Exonerated in Double Murder
Clinic hails the outcome of its three-year-long case to free the wrongly convicted Ronnie Qualls.

Online Exclusives
An Innocent’s Gift
The tale of exoneree Bobby Joe Leaster and the Muse family is a story of justice's rewards.

Online Exclusives
Rossman ’19 Wins Award for Innocence Work

The Innocence Whisperers