
Online Exclusives
Graduate Bar Passage Rate Climbs to 96%
New academic success director, extensive exam programming lift scores.

The Vision Project
A Smarter Way to Think about Work

The Vision Project
Removing the Limits on Economic Mobility
Our statutory and regulatory regimes are broken and now is the time to fix them.

Online Exclusives
Dean’s Column: How to Avoid the Next 2008

Online Exclusives
BC Law #16 in Law Grads Hiring Report

Online Exclusives
BC Law Moves to 26th in US News Rankings

Online Exclusives
Soto ’17 Receives Immigrant Justice Corps Fellowship
Graduate's family migration experience inspires her advocacy.

Online Exclusives
Ruano ’18 Awarded Roscoe Trimmier Jr. Diversity Scholarship
Ropes & Gray scholarship is awarded to five law students nationwide each year.

Online Exclusives
Why More Women Should Choose a Career in M&A
Panelists describe adrenaline-packed jobs with satisfying outcomes